About Me

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Everyday, we're influenced from the media- from our peers- from everything around us. Well, though my identity may look like it changes from day to day; underneath it all, this blog shows i'm always, Aliella.. x♥x
They are. Well at least, when they're with my immediate family..or in-laws (of my sisters) combined into that.
The communication part of all this is splits into groups:
It goes, my mom and the other parents chat it up. My older sisters and their
husbands talk incessantly. And their children & my little sister play/talk at the other end. And just, eh, kinda in the middle there's me.

I am the only one of my kind...lol...er, my age. I mean now & then my sister's will try to make some small-talk with me by asking how school's going, or if i have a boyfriend, but once they get their answer. They're done. They go back to their previous conversations....

So I've learned at family dinners, to just keep my mouth shut, think about something else, and, of course, eat. Even though, sometimes i can't even do that without being questioned on if I'm okay, or what's bothering me. I'm surprised actually.

I thought my family was smarter than that.....

But no, none of them realize this. Oh, bother.

5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    First, I think you meant "worst". Now that I've corrected your grammer...

    I can see how that might be the case. I promise to be more considerate and talk only to you the next time I'm at dinner!

  2. A. Says:

    Haha, gotta love those family dinners ;)

  3. Yeah I know what it's like to be the only one of my age at a 'family' dinner. It does suck!!! but if you ever want to call me then you can, espically on those horrible family dinners! LOL! Check out my blog again missy!!!!

  4. Hailey Says:

    hey both you peoples (tt and avonlee) i am now one with the internet. i finally got a facebook thingy and i got aim too. lol ttyl

  5. hey... check my blog... youll know who it is... hailey... avonlee... and tantan