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Everyday, we're influenced from the media- from our peers- from everything around us. Well, though my identity may look like it changes from day to day; underneath it all, this blog shows i'm always, Aliella.. x♥x
So, normally *even though I'm far from normal* i would be posting on Poseur Fan Site, but i thought that this is one blog that has to be put on the original, good 'ole Poseur ♥.

These days in my youth group, a lot of people don't come to talk to/and about God, or learn more about him- they just come to socialize. 
And I'd be a liar if i said i haven't been one of those people. But, my youth group is splitting up-
everyone is screwing up their lives;
giving in;
getting out;
taking away;
and it seems there are very few who now have a committed walk with Jesus....
Sneaking out, lust, moving, drugs, alcohol, sex, peer pressure..it's all stuff that can tear people apart- but the real thing i think that's causing our youth group "population" to dwindle?
Many of us abide by the "well, I'm a teenager, and this is my time to try new things and have no regrets; live my life to the fullest!" and we shouldn't! We need to be living by how God wants us to live the life He gave us. And that doesn't include living like God didn't put a good head on your shoulders! 
Another thing is, a lot of us are weak. Dead to humanity when it comes to peer pressure. We give in, in an instant. Trying to fit in, trying to look "cool", trying to act like someone we aren't. Being rebellious.
And i think it's time it stops.
I'm sick of trying to pick up the pieces, and being included in the negative assumptions people have after they've heard a few things about what a couple of people are doing! And i know I'm not the only one who feels this way-
seriously! How hard is it to JUST SAY NO. Think through the freaking consequences. That's why we have them! So we fear the punishment-and it stops us from doing things we'll regret.
Personally? I've given up on half of our group. I'm sick of them, I'm sick of being around them, and I'm sick of trying to show them the right way. Right now, I've gotten closer to God, I've stopped trying to fit in and just be myself...and if i get made fun of, who cares? Not me..not anymore. I'm now not afraid to stand up for myself, for my beliefs, for my God, for my family and friends, i am fearless to sin. And I'm happily radiating God's love for me and humanity, and helping my friends; one at a time.
This week's goal?
Think it through...
7 Responses
  1. Hailey Says:

    you are right. here is a question. which friend are you helping first because i am here and ready to learn and listen. you are a great person who will one day do great things in the world and help people realise thier true potetial in life. so many will look up to you because you are already the perfect role model.

  2. i'm trying to help them all;
    you, tandice, julia, lee, blake (♥), etc..

  3. I've given up on trying to find my place in this world and with God. I'm tired of people putting me down for things I do or the things I say, and I'm tired of trying to be the good little Christan girl because all my dad does is put me down saying, "oh well this and this in the bible is wrong" or "you and your faith have it all wrong" when nobody know's what is right or wrong. No one knows who to follow, and no one know why we're here even thought we might say we do. I'm done with it all, Anne, even though I still go to church and youthgroup, and I still respect God. I'm just wishing that there was a guide book that wasn't the bible that told me on what I wanted to do. Life sucks and I don't want to end mine, I want to make it better. I don't know where I stand in your life after this, and I don't konw if you'll still be my friedn but all I know is that it took a lot of courage to finally admit this to you. The last person I told about this was Julia and she blew a gaskit over it. I'm sorry I'm not who you thought I was, but even I don't know who I am anymore.

  4. Anne, you are a great person! I am here and ready to listen and learn too. Im may not be your best friend, but hey, at least im there and willing to listen.I agree completely with perky. You are a great role model... im always looking up to you
    thing 1

  5. Anonymous Says:

    TO: <.:oecd:.>

    I know you don't really know me, but this made me so sad. I can tell you I've been there and I've learned the hard way that fully living for God is the only way to live. You say nobody knows what is right or wrong - not true. You wish there was a guide book - there is. It is the Bible. There is only 1 way - it is through Christ. I pray you won't have to go through the pain I did to realize that. I'll be praying for you.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    I'm so sad about what is going on with the youth group. I love each of you soooo much!! I know it's natural to go through a questioning phase and many teens made poor choices as they test their independence. Lord knows I made my share. I wish I could spare you the trials, pain and CONSEQUENCES of those poor decisions, but if you make them, you deal with the fall out. Know that you are loved and that the adults (yes, I use that term loosely) of the church would do anything to help...if we only knew what would help. For me personally, know that I'm always here willing to listen without judgment, but with accountability.

    Anne - stay strong! You are not alone; you have a great support system (all the teens do). USE it!

    Love you all!!