About Me

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Everyday, we're influenced from the media- from our peers- from everything around us. Well, though my identity may look like it changes from day to day; underneath it all, this blog shows i'm always, Aliella.. x♥x
Howdy friends.
Random quote:
" stop trying to make friends, and enjoy the one's you have. "
Actually, i think i switched that up a little...and i really don't know who said that. oops.
Anyways, though not many people realize it, i am not a very outgoing person. I am not very confident. And i have a pretty low self-esteem. But I'll still stand up for what i believe in, though i lack these qualities. (and believe me, I'm working on building them up!)
But going back to the outgoing thing. Some people think i have tons of friends. * i know, because they've told me this * or they think I'm really like talkative & outgoing, but that's just when I'm around them, so they don't know any different. But really....i don't have very many "friends." Just acquaintances. Distant & close. I mean, i try to make friends, i really do! i just, lack that quality that makes people want to always hang out with me, or that interests them. This isn't a pity party. Because in reality...I'm okay with being my quiet, shy self. I really am...
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2 Responses
  1. Pot of tea Says:

    Oh My Gooodness. I actually understand you. I'm pretty much similar. I have friends but no one I'd tell my secrets much. And the ones I want to be friends with the most, have the person that they want to be friends with. I get you. And I'm loud when I'm around them, but I thinks it's a cover to hide my inevitable shyness. Thankyou for sharing that. Love your blog by the way.

  2. Hailey Says:

    you do not lack the qualities that people like! a lot of people are like that some r just better at hiding it than others. i dont see how you could have low self esteem cause idk i just dont know.